About Hary_33Fsy45ys

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So far Hary_33Fsy45ys has created 23 blog entries.

Single house in Marousi divided in two apartments

The client request for this single 125 sq.m. ground floor house was to divide it in two separate and independent apartments. Each one, roughly 60 sq.m. should have all spaces and comforts a contemporary apartment usually holds. Its completion and delivery is scheduled for July 2024.

2024-03-09T10:36:50+02:00March 7th, 2024|Apartment design, Residential|

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Conference Round table Moderator, 2024

In view of several flood and wildfire event in Greece during the summer of 2023, a round table discussion was organised to conclude the European Conference titled "Landscape architecture: Education, Research and Practice" held in the Aristotle University of Athens (2-4/11/2023)

2024-06-17T13:55:09+03:00November 2nd, 2023|Publications|

KTIRIO Digital Magazine – House transformation in 3 separate apartments, 2024

The 480 sq.m. private residence was originally designed back in the 70’s for a single owner in a  modern (1970’s) brutalist style. The plan was to divide it in three separate apartments for his children and make all necessary adjustments to meet today’s needs. The dilemma was to whether to keep the 70’s style [...]

2024-06-17T13:44:26+03:00June 14th, 2023|Publications|

Landscape Architecture Symposium – Lecture in Vorres Museum, 2023

The Panhellenic Association f Landscape Architects (PHALA) organised a 3-day seminar (5-6-7/05/2023) titled "Landscape Architects guide you in Athens". The first day, a series of lectures was scheduled covering a wide varity of subjects. The specific presentation - "From Concept to Creation" aimed to explore all stages form the first design drafts down to [...]

2024-06-17T13:39:37+03:00May 5th, 2023|Publications|

Agricultural University of Athens – Lecture for the Postgraduate Program , 2023

The landscape architecture postgraduate program in the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) required a lecture debating Modernity in landscape design. The lecture   (28.03.2023) aimed to define the boundaries of modernity in general, explore modern style landscape design and debate on the current landscape design principles.

2024-06-17T13:42:17+03:00March 28th, 2023|Publications|

European Webinar on Landscape Architecture – Moderator, 2021

As the Vice-President of Phala (Panhellenic Association of Landscape Architects) for Professional maters and in collaboration with Katerina Gkoltsiou, the President  of Phala, a 2-day webinar (10-17/04/2021) was organised exploring "The new trends of Landscape Architecture based on the EU Green Deal Challenges".

2024-06-17T13:43:18+03:00April 17th, 2021|Publications|

KTIRIO Digital Magazine – Crowne Plaza Conference center, 2018

The main Ballroom / Congress centre  is located in level -2. In order to meet the operator’s needs it required a complete makeover. Six different halls on a coverage of approximately  1.117 sq.m. were fully re-designed. The operation had to be fully flexible to be able to host several different uses like balls, conferences, [...]

2024-06-17T13:45:10+03:00June 14th, 2019|Publications|

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Landscape Architecture Conference, 2005

The Polytechnic  School of Architecture - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki . has organized a European Conference on Landscape Architecture with a special focus on Education, Research and Practice. As a Visiting Lecturer in University of the Aegean, the publication has focused on the impact of landscape analysis methodologies in design education. Click here below [...]

2024-06-17T13:57:04+03:00June 14th, 2005|Publications|
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